Digitize your Analog Media


Signature Photo Organizing will assist you in safeguarding and cherishing your precious memories by creating digital, shareable copies of your prints, albums, and analog media that can be enjoyed by you and your whole family.


Despite living in a mostly digital age, most of us have both digital and analog media. What is analog media? Anything that is a print, slide, negative, album, or that is some kind of still or motion picture that is in an older format, anything that is not digital. Many of us have a box stored attic orat our parents’ house. These memories are priceless heirlooms. We help our client's digitize them to ensure the preservation of these important family memories. Once digitized we can add this media to a searchable digital archive or photo library so that you can easily find your images or videos.

We can scan or digitize the following meida

  • Film

  • Slides

  • Negatives

  • Cassette tapes

  • MiniDV Cassettes

  • VHS tapes

  • Film reels

  • Audio reels

  • Floppy disks

  • CD’s

  • Prints/photos

  • Albums

  • Framed images

  • Kid’s art

  • Notes and letters

  • Family recipes

  • Disposable cameras

  • And more!

Why should I digitize old photos, albums, and videos?

At Signature Photo Organizing, we think there are five main compelling reasons:

  1. Preservation: Physical photographs are susceptible to degradation over time due to factors like light exposure, humidity, and aging. By digitizing them, you create a backup copy that can be stored in a safe and secure digital format. This helps preserve the images for future generations, ensuring they are not lost or damaged.

  2. Easy Accessibility: Digitized photos can be conveniently accessed and shared with others. Instead of rummaging through boxes or albums, you can simply browse through your digital photo library on a computer, smartphone, or other devices. You can also share the digital copies easily with family and friends, regardless of their location, making it easier to reminisce, collaborate on family history projects, or preserve shared memories.

  3. Organization and Searchability: Digital photo libraries provide robust organization and search capabilities. You can tag, categorize, or add metadata to your digitized photos, making it easier to sort and locate specific images. This enables you to quickly find and retrieve photos based on dates, locations, people, or other criteria, saving you time and effort compared to manually searching through physical photo collections.

  4. Restoration and Enhancement: Digital copies of old photos can be restored and enhanced to improve their quality. Software tools and editing techniques can help remove scratches, dust, or other imperfections, adjust brightness and contrast, or even bring faded colors back to life. This way, you can revitalize and improve the appearance of old and damaged photographs, preserving their visual quality for years to come.

  5. Sharing and Preservation of Family History: Digitizing old photographs allows you to share your family history with future generations. By converting physical photos into a digital format, you can create a comprehensive archive that tells the story of your family, ancestors, and significant events. This helps maintain and pass on your family's legacy and memories.

It's important to note that while digitizing offers numerous advantages, we do advise our clients to keep the original physical copies of your photographs. We recommend storing them in acide-free storage envelopes placed in acid-free boxes. These boxes should be stored in a cool environment to ensure their long-term preservation.


Let’s Get Started

Email: studio@signaturephotoorganizing.com

Phone: (206) 679-3410