old photos, negatives, and camera scattered on a desk

SIGNATURE PHOTO ORGANIZING didn’t happen overnight, it has been years in the making!

Jennifer started her career off as a photojournalist, learning to capture the right moments and tell a story through images and words. She then went on to become the pioneer in maternity photography while adding family photography along the way. She discovered that by using her photojournalist skills she could create one-of-a-kind photographs for her clients. After 20 years of being a photographer, Jennifer has developed a very precise way of organizing her professional photographs, so that at any moment she can find any photograph she wanted.

As the years progressed, Jennifer started noticing her clients (and herself) had hundreds of thousands of both digital and analog photographs all over the place, including the cloud, hard drives, SD cards, DVDs, and phones. With the creation of the smartphone, one can snap 100 photos of the sunset, your dinner, or a new outfit. Year after year of snapping photographs has made it nearly impossible to go back and even find or enjoy many of the special memories. Jennifer often heard her clients complain “Jen, I can’t find anything. What should I do? HELP!”

looking at photos on phone

Signature Photo Organizing was created. It started off as a service for some of Jennifer’s long-time clients, helping them organize and choose the best images of the bunch for albums or photo walls. As the business grew, Sarah joined Jennifer helping clients, bringing order to the chaos that was their photo archive.

As more and more people started hearing about this incredible solution to a problem that we all now have, Signature Photo Organizing began to expand and started offering services that include creation of a personal digital media archive of a family’s entire folio of visual assets, the digitization of analog media like photos, videos, audio files, you name it, and building memorable photo walls or albums of these now organized images.

The story of Signature Photo Organizing continues as each client brings to us a unique challenge for us to solve stemming from the desire for finding, displaying and preserving those images that hold special memories.