We each have different approaches to managing our ever growing camera roll. So what does the way you manage your photos say about you?

DIY photo organizer

1.) If your photos are neatly organized into albums, you may be a DIY photo organizer. DIY Photo organizers have the motivation and ideas for sorting their images in a way that best fits their needs. We recommend our private coaching services for the DIY photo organizers out there. Let us help you take your knowledge and skills of organizing to the next level!

Emotion-led photo organizer

2.) If you’ve gone through your camera roll and favorited all of your meaningful and most important images you may be an emotion-led photo organizer. Your photos are your memories and your memories are valuable and irreplaceable to you. Our Senior Editor Sarah is an emotion led photo organizer, which makes her the perfect person to organize your photos with all of your special life moments in mind.

Need our help!

3.) If your camera roll looks like it was just hit by a tornado and you can’t find any of your images (not even the good ones), then you need our help! Let us take the pressure off of your shoulders and help you get your photos organized and labeled so that you can easily find your images!